The Science of Supplementation: Practical Recommendations for Dietitians
Are you unsure what dietary supplements you should be recommending? Do you get frazzled when your patients or clients come to you with a list of questions about their supplements - what they should be taking, what they should avoid, what interferes with their medication etc. This training will provide clarity regarding some of the most common supplements - multivitamin/mineral, calcium and vitamin d as well as some of the less common and more controversial - probiotics, fish oil and magnesium. More than reviewing current recommendations, this training will provide a framework and resources that can be used to evaluate any supplement question so you can continue to feel confident when discussing this evolving area of medicine with your target population.
Upon successful completion of this one-hour course, the participant should be able to:
  • Discuss the role of dietary supplements in meeting the nutrient needs and health goals of the general adult population.

  • Identify the dietitians' role on a multidisciplinary team as it relates to supplements.

  • Outline a sound and simple framework for evaluating dietary supplements.

  • Review the evidence supporting the use of multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, calcium, vitamin D, fish oil, magnesium, probiotics and coenzyme Q10.

  • Highlight professional resources for the evaluation of safety and efficacy of dietary supplements and for continued learning.
Live Webinar Date: Apr 08, 2025   (04:00 PM - 05:00 PM Eastern Time) (US and Canada)
Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives: 4.1.2, 8.1.4, 8.3.1
Target Audience: RDs, DTRs, Health Professionals
Number of Credits: 1.0
Level(s): 1, 2
Total Cost: 1 Site Credit

About the Presenter: Lindsay Malone, MS, RDN, LD
Lindsay Malone

Lindsay Malone is a Functional and Integrative Medicine dietitian. Lindsay holds a Masters degree in Public Health Nutrition from Case Western Reserve University where she currently teaches within the School of Medicine. Lindsay also runs a private practice and consulting firm where she partners with individuals, groups and organizations to improve health and prevent disease.

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Nutrition for Depression and Anxiety

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